We have all heard how important it is to remove plaque and food debris from our teeth and gums. In addition to brushing and flossing, many patients will benefit from using an oral irrigator. The concept of oral irrigation is to shoot a stream of pulsating water out of a nozzle or tip toward the teeth and the gumline. This is effective in removing food debris, germs and bacteria which remain in areas that cannot be properly cleaned by brushing and flossing alone.
How the Hydro Floss Works:
The Hydro Floss is very similar in function to other irrigators on the market, but very unique in patient response due to the patented scientific technology at work in the Hydro Floss; the science of Hydro-Magnetics.
The primary cause of problems in our mouths is an over abundance of bacteria. Bacteria adhere to the surfaces in our mouths using a magnetic bond. You see, the surfaces in our mouths are made up of materials that carry a natural positive (+) charge, bacteria have a natural negative (-) charge. Passing common tap water (and it must be tap or mineral water, pure water is non-polar) through a very specific type of magnetic field reverses the polarity of the minerals and ions conta i ned in the water. Then by bombarding the inside of the mouth around the teeth and gums, the negatively charged water reverses the polarity of the materials to which the bacteria adhere. When this reversal in polarity occurs, the bacteria are forced to separate from the tooth's surface and are swept out with the other debris from under the gums and between the teeth.
By pointing the jet tip at the top surface of the gum at a 90 degree angle to the tooth's surface and working your way around the margin of each tooth, you allow each pulse of the jet stream to cause a compression of the gum. When the gum rebounds from each compression, it creates a vacuum (Venturi effect) that sucks the negatively charged water down under the gum into the sulcus. The negatively charged water then causes a reversal of polarity in the materials that the bacteria cling to, forcing the bacteria to be repelled from the tooth's surface allowing the next pulse of water to blast the loosened bacteria and other debris out from under the gum and into the sink. This irrigation will not remove all bacteria, but what it does do is keep bacteria from reaching critical mass where they cause the most harm. Additionally, this process creates rifts or tears in the bio-film that protects bacterial colonies. Opening up this bio-film will allow medicaments like chlorhex idine or other anti-microbial solutions to do a better job of eradicating bacteria.
The Hydro Floss is available for purchase in the Cardinale Dentistry office. Our hygienists can make recommendations on the use of the Hydro Floss and answer any questions you may have!